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New ELEKTROHASCH releases plus festival news!

News from Elektrohasch:

-new albums froms UGH! and NIXON NOW

-Elektrohasch Festival at Kafe Kult

Elektrohasch 108

The outstanding new CD "Meat Fairies" from psychedelic-noise-rockers UGH! will be released right in time to the Germany tour of UGH! and HAINLOOSE. Also, HAINLOOSE’s sold out album "Rosula" has been reprinted. Both bands shouldn't be missed!


October 29    Schwarzenberg

October 30    Lübbenau, Kulturhof (güterbahnhofstrasse 60)

October 31    Oschersleben, Alge (magdeburger strasse 35)

November 03 Berlin, Red Rooster

November 04 Mittelsinn (bei Würzburg), Halle

November 05 Bad Frankenhausen, White Pig


HAINLOOSE is in the studio working on a new album.


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NIXON NOW’s "Altamont Nation Express" CD will be sent to the pressing plant next week...


Elektrohasch Festival:

Also not to be missed is the next festival organized by Elektrohasch at the Kafe Kult, München on Saturday, October 29 As with LOS NATAS from Argentina, MONKEY3 from Switzerland, and COLOUR HAZE you can see three of the maybe four best heavy psychedelic acts today at all in one show! Furthermore we get support from our Austrian friends, PATER GELION.


As always you can sleep over at the COLOUR HAZE rehearsal place. Please bring your sleeping bags. If you want to drink, you can leave your car at the Kafe Kult. There will be a shuttle to the sleeping place. On Sunday morning we will have a breakfast there alltogether with the bands. Please tell me if you plan to come. There are some people who are looking for a lift, so that`s a possibility to share costs...


Kafé Kult

Konzerte und Kafé-Betrieb

Oberföhringer Str. 156

81925 München

++49 /(0)89/95927692

Start: 20:00

Doors: 19:00

Entrance: 12.- Euro


How to get there by car

Via A8 from Stuttgart, Salzburg, Italy, and Austria

Go before München on the A 99 direction Nürnberg. Take the exit to the A 9 in direction München. Leave the Highway at the exit "Frankfurter Ring/Föhringer Ring". Keep the right lane in the exit and follow the signs pointing to the "Föhringer Ring". Follow this street for a while, crossing the river Isar. Take the first exit after the bridge and turn right at the traffic lights (to "Oberföhring"). Follow this street, it is first called "Münchner Straße", then "Oberföhringer Straße".

The Kafe Kult is located in the Bürgerpark Oberföhring, which is surrounded by a yellow wall, you should pass by after about 2 or 3 km and appear on the left. When entering this area just drive straight right and go on until the graffiti-painted house appears on the right: the Kafe Kult.


Via A9 from Nürnberg

Leave the Highway at the exit "Frankfurter Ring/Föhringer Ring". Keep the right lane in the exit and follow the signs pointing to the "Föhringer Ring". Follow this street for a while, crossing the river Isar. Take the first exit after the bridge and turn right at the traffic lights (to "Oberföhring"). Follow this street, it is first called "Münchner Straße", then "Oberföhringer Straße".

The Kafe Kult is located in the Bürgerpark Oberföhring, which is surrounded by a yellow wall, you should pass by after about 2 or 3 km and appear on the left. When entering this area just drive straight right and go on until the graffiti-painted house appears on the right: the Kafe Kult.


Via A96 or A95 from Switzerland/Austria

Go on the highway until its very end, and always follow the signs pointing to "Nürnberg" and "Flughafen (Airport)". After leaving the highway after a bigger bridge (still following Nürnberg and "Flughafen (Airport)"), You`ll soon drive through a long, newly built tunnel (the so called "Petueltunnel").

In the tunnel, now DON'T leave the road (NOT follwing "Nünberg "and "Airport"). Just stay on the highway, passing through another tunnel ("Biedersteiner Tunnel") and a bridge ("John F. Kennedy Brücke"), crossing the river Isar.

Right now some higher buildings should appear in front of you. Turn left at the first intersection ("Effnerplatz") into the "Effnerstraße".

There, turn left at the first intersection that offers a separate lane for left turns. Follow this "Odinstrasse" until its very end, and turn right there into the "Oberföhringer Strasse".

The Kafe Kult is located in the Bürgerpark Oberföhring, which is surrounded by a yellow wall, you should appear on the right after about 2 or 3 kms. When entering this area just drive straight right and go on until you see the graffiti-painted house on the right: the Kafe Kult.


By train or plane:

Go from the central station ("Hauptbahnhof")

- By tram line 17 or 18 direction "Effnerplatz" to "Herkomerplatz"


- With subway line U 4 direction "Arabellapark" to "Richard Strauss Straße"

From there with bus line 188 direction "Fichtestraße" to "Bürgerpark Oberföhring", here is the Kafe Kult.


For more information and for tour dates on all Elektrohasch artists:

