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New EARTH FLIGHT mailing-list and gigs!

Here are the latest announcements:

We are pleased to announce that there is now an official EARTH FLIGHT mailing-list. to subscribe to the newsletter just use the form on our homepage:www.earth-flight.net - worth considering: everyone who subscribes will take part in a drawing for each  one EARTH FLIGHT mcd and one finest noise compilation!


"Finest Noise - Sampler Vol.16" out now! this cd compiled by finest noise promotion contains 21 bands of various genres, metal /alternative/stoner/independent to give it a direction. EARTH FLIGHT are represented with "Awakening". The disc comes in a cardboard sleeve and is available through our homepage as well as www.finestnoise.de.

Some live dates are here to find.


E-Mail: excoriate[at]gmail.com

Homepage: www.earth-flight.net
