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MeteorCity Update (New website, new webstore, new Dozer 2CD and T-shirts)

We're super stoked to announce that we have an all-new MeteorCity website (finally!) at the usual place: www.meteorcity.com 

In addition, we have teamed up with the illustrious Blue Collar Distro to bring you an all-new MeteorCity webstore.

To celebrate the new website/webstore and Dozer's 15 year anniversary as a band, we have a very special treat for you! That treat comes in the form of a new Dozer double CD and 2 new Dozer T-shirts! Which are currently available exclusively from the new MeteorCity store on Blue Collar Distro.

Visit the new MeteorCity webstore right now and check out these new and exclusive Dozer items right here: www.bluecollardistro.com/meteorcity 

A big Big BIG thanks to all of you for your continued support of MeteorCity. It means a lot to us. We really hope that you get a lot of enjoyment out of the new website and webstore!

Over and out from

Dan & Melanie (MeteorCity)http://www.meteorcity.com
