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GENEROUS MARIA website updated and more news!

Created by Klaus Kleinowski |

Here's what's going on in the GENEROUS MARIA camp:

- GENEROUS MARIA contributing with the track 'Li'l Crisis of Mine' on the Daredevil Records compilation 'Burn the Street V - the last chapter'. It'll be out the 6th of June (www.daredevilrecords.de).


- GENEROUS MARIA play the Stoned From the Underground festival in Erfurt, Germany, on July 15 & 16. They'll be on stage on Saturday the 16th and it'll be shared with acts like Brant Bjork and Hellfueled (www.caligula666.de).


- The GENEROUS MARIA website has been updated. Check out a lot of new live photos, new reviews on 'Command of the New Rock - 2005 Edition', new T-shirts and much more.


- GENEROUS MARIA keeping ourselves busy finishing recordings for their upcoming, yet untitled, album. It'll rock like hell so keep an eye out!



