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EARTH FLIGHT on tour and on TV

From Sebastian, drummer of EARTH FLIGHT :

Hey there, although there wasn't really anything like a winter here, the springtime already draws near. So before the Flight takes off into 2008 we quickly want to give you a status update to make sure you don't miss your flight. Cheers, Sebastian / EARTH FLIGHT 

We're going to hit the south of Germany on the coming weekend supporting the italian connection of MIDRYASI and DOOMRAISER. Further we will play the STONED OF THE UNDERGROUND in July with MUSTASCH (SWE), WITCHCRAFT (SWE), TONER LOW (NL), DUST (GER) and more. You will find the dates in the Cosmic Lava tourdates section.

Further details, flyer and venue links: www.earth-flight.net/german/lived.html or www.myspace.com/earthflight 



Since early January it’s possible to watch some video footage of EARTH FLIGHT on www.earth-flight.net/english/videoe.html. We captured a few video recordings at Live Club Bamberg in early 2007 and some live footage of "My Sun", recorded a year ago at Luise Cultfactory Nuremberg. We actually wanted to release a DVD recording of that show but due to some serious trouble with the audio recording of that night it’s impossible to release the whole show. Maybe we are able to recover more songs of that gig sometime soon. And as a special goodie there is a bit of a Led Zeppelin Jam live at Mukkes Leeuwarden (Netherlands) in late 2006. Only for die-hard maniacs… hehe. 

CONTACT DETAILS info[at]earth-flight.netE-Mail (Booking): info[at]doom-over-nuernberg.deTel

Homepage: www.earth-flight.netMyspace

