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ARGUS Working On New Album

From vocalist Brian 'Butch' Balich: "As we continue working on the follow-up to our Shadow Kingdom Records debut we wanted to give an update on what’s been going on in the ARGUS camp. We’ve decided on a title for the next release: 'Boldly Stride The Doomed' . We’re excited and proud to announce that the inimitable Brad Moore will be returning to create the artwork for the album! After the brilliant work he did on the debut we’re looking forward to seeing what the master comes up with for this one. Some of his work can be viewed athttp://www.inthehouseofthedrawingmaster.com/ "

"Writing for Boldly Stride The Doomed' continues. We’ve got a good bit of material cooking. Songs set to appear include 'A Curse On The World', 'The Ladder', '42-7-29' and 'Durendal'. We'll have more updates as the songs come rolling into completion. We’re looking at recording in the fall with Dave Watson at Soundscape studios (who did the first album) for a 2011 release. We’'l be performing some of this new material at our show with Las Cruces and Revelation at Krug’s in Frederick, MD on August 28."

