YOB (Elaborations Of Carbon) CD

I've read a lot of positive words about Portland's YOB and now it was time to make up my own mind. This is the first full length release, that contains six long songs, so the total playing time is about 70 minutes. This three-piece plays uncompromising Heavy Doom in the vein of Vitus, Electric Wizard and Sleep with a small influence of Down and Crowbar. Downtuned to the bone, sometimes slow as a snail but still fascinating and never boring, that was my first impression after listening to this album. Especially the strange sounding vocals of Mike are lifting them up from the average Doom bands. With the use of some effective samples YOB are creating a mystical and surrealistic atmosphere. And they know how to combine their merciless tunes with sensitive hooklines.
After this album had taken a lot of spins in my player it became one of my faves of this month. There's no special track that stands out. Everything is played on the same inspiring and intense level. But if you need an example than check out the Sabbathish "Clear Seeing" or the impressive"All the Children forgotten" or the amazing "Revolution". This track is about 17 minutes but you don't have to skip forward or to fall asleep. These guys are going over the whole distance without losing themselves into boring jams or stuff like this.I think, that YOB belongs to the very few new bands that is playing in the tradition of the forefathers, but without just repeating all the same old structures. Hard to explain, so give them a chance because YOB simply blows your head off. Awesome 70's inspired song-oriented Doom, no one should be without. Order this disc directly from 12th Records and check out the YOB website for actual news about their plans for world domination.