TOUCH THE SPIDER! (I Spit On Your Grave) 2CD

Now, this is an unexpected pleasure when a new band releases a self-financed 2CD digipack. Maybe they don't need to grow in confidence, or TOUCH THE SPIDER! has written so much tracks that the only solution is a double disc... Well, anyway, the most interesting aspect of this debut, released in 2009 on their own label Where Are You From Records,is the music that is a tasteful blend consisting of influences from Joy Division, Bauhaus, Black Sabbath, Hawkwind and other 70's rock bands. Probably this seems to be a strange result, but the two members of TOUCH THE SPIDER! have the ability to write catchy songs, and they've integrated all this different musical elements in a convincing way. Of course, some songs are better than others, but considering the fact that 'I Spit On Your Grave' contains 28 songs than it should come as no surprise that it turns out that way. Fortunately, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and the songs always cut to the chase. The playing time of most tracks is surprisingly short (between 2 and 4 minutes), and even if a few songs sound similar the band managed to record a varied debut album.
The first disc has been soaked in opaque melancholy whilst the second one is more rocking without losing its gloomy atmosphere. What I like especially about TOUCH THE SPIDER! is their ambition of creating themselves an own identity without imitating their musical role models. In addition to this, the two members Unholy Ghost and Cosmic Energy are experienced musicians and can play several instruments allowing the band an even wider scope for their music. I would prefer a better recording studio in the foreseeable future, because sometimes this album sounds a little bit too lifeless and sterile. But this deficit shouldn't distract from the fact that this German band is a promising newcomer that has much to offer. Aside from that it looks as if this guys have an exquisite taste in 70's underground movies because of the album title. 'I Spit On Your Grave / Day of the Woman' is a is a controversial rape and revenge film which has been released in 1978, but maybe that's just a wrong assumption. Whatever the circumstances are, I suggest to buy a copy of this unique album recorded by a unique band.