I thought, that pollen were something to smoke and get high, but this time it's the name of an US-band, which comes up with their six song debut on Maduro Records. THE POLLEN got a very varied sound, that ranges from heavy 60's influenced garage rock to fuzzed-out heaviness in the vein of Nebula f.e. Not every of the here presented tracks is a knock-out, but with tunes like the instrumental "Rubberchux" or the slow and sick "Smoke Machine", THE POLLEN are definitely on the winning side. They don't play this typical lame style of fuzzed-out heavy rock, everybody knows under the monicker "stoner". It's obvious to hear, that THE POLLEN are doing their own thing, without trying to be to close to any trends. Their intention is just to rock for the sake of rock. Another great song is "Upside Down", that has some very cool riffs, great guitar work and tight grooves. "Cheat 'Em" and "Boy And Girl" is more Punk-influenced (the late 70's), especially the vocals of Paddy Mulloy got this snotty feeling. I hope, this band will lose their ultra-underground status within the next months, because they got everything a new and hopeful band needs. They've got strong hooks, an charismatic lead-singer and the technical skills to convince the interested listener. So, if you're into bands like Nebula, The Saints or The Stooges, give this a try and check out THE POLLEN. For band contact mail to: the_pollen(at) and order this CD from Maduro Records.