PYRAMIDO is without a doubt one of the best newcomers to the sludge scene. With their promising debut, 'Sand', they created a basis on which to build and that is why I was very curious to hear the next effort. Unfortunately, I missed the two split releases in 2010, but I am therefore all the happier about a promo CD which I received from the Israeli record label Totalrust Music. Due to the inconspicuous cover artwork one might think that 'Salt' is some sort of relaxing music or probably even a 1970's retro rock album since PYRAMIDO come from Sweden. But in PYRAMIDO's world is no place for blues-infected heavy rock and the like. 'Salt' will drag the listener through a bath of uncomfortable feelings with the help of monstrous filth-drenched riffs, a pounding rhythm section and gut-wrenching vocals. This is an extremely opressive album from start to finish.
Though profoundly miserable of spirit and heavier than a steel anvil roll, 'Salt' in an accomplished and throughly evocative work of doom powered, timeless sludge. In addition to that comes an interest in leaving trodden paths. The best example of this is 'Saltstoder' which follows on seamlessly from 'Left To Rot'. A whispering voice in combination with some 1980's flavoured keys (or whatever that is supposed to be) caused a big surprise with me, but I think it's pretty cool that PYRAMIDO have the courage to do something like this.
'Onward' kicks off in best sludge tradition but all of the sudden the band comes up with a more melodic yet ethereal guitar part, while the thunderous bass comes more strongly to the fore. In contrast, 'Hollow Words' contains traces of black metal and hardcore which ensure additional entertainment. In all other respects, however, PYRAMIDO stay true to their principles. The listener is levelled by a barrage of merciless sludge, five torturously drawn out dirges all drenched in the sewers of the world. Production, courtesy of Matte P., is delightfully dirty, yet bone-dry and muscular at the same time. Of course, the inevitable Grief moments occasionally rear their heads, but overall the nihilistic stagger of 'Salt' sees PYRAMIDO really steeping up a gear. Check these guys out if you like it sick.