PORN, THE MEN OF (Experiments In Feedback) CD

The well-known Tim Moss and three other musicians are discovering with the new PORN the intensity and depth of feedbacks and sonic loops. The whole sonic journey starts with an excellent twelve minutes long hypnotic cover version of Floyd's "One of These Days". It's more an interpretation as a standard cover, focused on a pulsating bass-line,a groovy drum beat and sonic guitar sounds. With the nervous and heavy "Cape Street" everything changes but the song is nothing special. The fuzz-driven straight forward rocker " Outta Site" is the catchiest song on this album and in opposite to the other tracks very conventional.
What I really like is this Melvins vibe over the whole album. Three different cover versions of the Motorhead-classic "I'll be your Sister" are not that typical for an album. First version is The Valium Mix , very slow and heavy while the second version is closer to the original. The third and last one is the Nod Mix, a dark slow rolling, heavy psych instrumental cover. In this version it sounds like a Vitus song and that's always nice to hear. Another track that is splited up in three different parts is "Feedback". Heavy evil droning, only a few drum parts and a lot of feedback loops and weird guitar-stuff. The last nearly fourteen minutes long track "Loop" continues and combines what in "Feedback II, IV", and "VII" has been started.If you know the Melvins album "Lysol" you know what you can expect from "Loop". No groove and fast as a snail, with a ever repeating curious guitar solo and lots of feedback noise, of course.
The complete cover-layout looks like one of the old Blue Note records and when you read the informative and strange story in the booklet of Tim Moss' recording sessions while listening to this album, then you'll find out what idea and concept is behind "Experiments...". Maybe not for everday's listening but good enough for dark and sonic experiences in a peaceful isolation and I think it's more entertaining than the PORN debut "American Style". It has been released on the excellent Detroit label Small Stone Records and I recommend it to everyone who's open enough for more experimental rock sounds.