PARADISE (Rock Anthropologists On The Kon-Tiki Voyage) CD

This young Canadian band was formed in 2002 and there are two outstanding things about PARADISE. First off, they combine Polynesian pop art with some sort of heavy sleazy metallic Rock 'n' Roll and the second thing is, that Michel "Away" Langevin, skinsman of the mighty Voivod is playing drums on the complete album. Hm, I've got no clue about Polynesian pop art, but the cover-artwork looks very nice and is definitley not typical for this kind of Hardrock. The promo info says, that PARADISE gained the status of one of the most spectacular striking live acts around. Maybe the have nude female Polynesian dancers on stage, because the sound is good and it rocks, but I wouldn't describe it with words as spectacular or sonically striking.
The album includes nine catchy songs, and especially the last four tracks are my personal faves of this album. It seems to me, as if this guys need a bit of tim, as in the first half of the album, but when their machine is rolling, it's nearly unstoppable. If you looking for a heavy rockin' and rollin' album, that's comparable with stuff as Michael Monroe (ex-Hanoi Rocks, Demolition 23, etc.) and other sleazy stuff than check out PARADISE. My advice is to start with the second half of this album, which will be released at the end of July 2003. The only low point of this album is the whole playing time, that is only about 27 minutes. Not enough value for money! The label is Mean Bucket Sounds and for additional infos, take a look at the PARADISE homepage.