Does anyone of you remember IT IS I ? This band released one fantastic album in the mid-90's on DWELL / HELLHOUND and the title was "Evolve". After they split-up I wondered what happened to the members and here in OPERATOR:GENERATOR is one of the guitarplayers from IT IS I. It's Thomas Choi, who was also part of ASBESTOS DEATH together with Matt Pike (ex-SLEEP/now HIGH ON FIRE) in the late 80's. Ok, that's history and here is the first full-length album from Choi's new band. His crunchy metallic guitarsound reminds me a little bit to IT IS I and some of the song structures (listen to "Museum's Flight"), but mostly OPERATOR:GENERATOR aren't playing this kind of sinister and hopeless sludge.
The influences are ranging from 70's Heavyrock to 80's Metal, together with a lot of progressive breaks, but the songs are still very melodic and heavy. One of the reasons is the very good voice from leadsinger Mitchell French. His vocals are clear (maybe a little bit like Ozzy) and he sounds a little bit as if he had left time and space behind. This album contains 8 tracks with a lot of different musical themes and , though they haven't invented anything new it's very enjoyable and exciting to listen to it. Sometimes they sound a little bit like HIGH ON FIRE ("Arctic Ouest") and all in all it's a promising album with an own vibe, released by MANS RUIN. It seems as if they not only sign bands, which are mostly sounding the same. Check out the website from OPERATOR:GENERATOR and ask your local record-store for "Polar Fleet".