ODYSSEY (Abysmal Despair) CD

With ODYSSEY's debut album 'Abysmal Despair', Transubstans Records prove yet again that they are always good for a surprise. In place of 1970's rock, ODYSSEY create a strange amalgam of noise rock, D.C. hardcore and heavy rock that is free of any nostalgic feelings. Basically, it's almost impossible to categorize the bone-dry sound of this Swedish band. That is why the Rorschach picture on the cover is more than appropriate, because multiple interpretations are possible - as with the eight songs on this album. However, one thing is sure: ODYSSEY make it difficult for the listener and it took me quite a while to grasp the album in it's entirety.
The tempo changes, the ferocity sometimes takes a backseat to other, equally nasty, obsessions, but the absolute intensity never lets up. That is also the credit of the singing which provides additional tension and rigor. Fitting in perfectly, the raw production which stresses the in-your-face approach of the songs. Despite the good words, I think that ODYSSEY should improve certain aspects of their noisy work, because somehow nothing really sticks. One of the most memorable tracks is 'Keloma', but this is partly due to the fact that it's the grooviest song here. But I should take into consideration that this is the band's debut and therefore it's a solid staring point for further efforts.