Out of Brooklyn, NY comes this two man band, but to my fortune, DUST TO DUST don't play this kind of republican-pseudo-redneck-hardcore like Biohazard and garbage like this, nor they are playing Doom or Sludge. DUST TO DUST are more in the vein of bands like Fear Factory, combined with elements of Alice In Chains, Nine Inch Nails and a bit of Type O Negative. Although Rob Traynor, the main-man behind this band is playing guitar and bass, with additional help of drummer Steve Tobin, "Sick" still sounds organic, like a complete band. Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of this kind of music, though DUST TO DUST got some good songs, with strong hooks, and the vocals of Rob Traynor are expressive and charismatic. The guitarwork of Type O Negative's Kenny Hickey, who's featured as a guest musician, adds a deeper emotion to the songs, but my problem is the pop-appeal of DUST TO DUST.
I don't like the combination of this elements, though I find a very few songs on "Sick", which I like, as the opener "Rot". Maybe I'm not the right person to review this album, but I must admit that this band should deserve a bigger attention, because they are working on a very proffesional level and the studio production is top notch, though "Sick" has been released on Rob's own label Psyclone Records, but The Music Cartel helps to distribute the album. Decide for yourself! One thing at least: I noticed that DUST TO DUST are proudly supporting the US troops in the Iraq. This is FAR AWAY from the political view of the Cosmic Lava. We DON'T agree with this band and we haven't kicked out this review, because we are for freedom of speech!