V.A. (Crushers Killers Destroyers!) CD

Shifty Records presents us this delicious Sludge compilation, which features the following bands: MUGWART, GOATSBLOOD, MOLEHILL, FISTULA and SLOTH (US). One of my first thoughts was, if this one can beat the outstanding "South Of Hell" compilation which was released two years ago in 2001 on the sadly defunctional Berserker Records label.
To make it short, it's not on the same high quality level as "South Of Hell" but let's take a look behind the awesome cover-artwork of "Crushers Killers Destroyers", that was done by Scott Stearns. The first bulldozing band is MUGWART, that comes up with three tunes. Their style sounds like a more melodic version of Eyehategod, but they've got some nice surprises as the bluesy atmospheric instrumental "Gutter Drone" and on "40/90" Ben of Beaten Back To Pure is responsible for additional vocals and he's doing a great job. Then comes GOATSBLOOD and their three songs are the perfect soundtrack for a total miserable day or life, far away from any hope and light. Aside of the typical slow parts, they've integrated a very few blast beats into their disillusioning songs. The vocals are changing between the typical psychotic Sludge screams and deepest growls.
Next band is MOLEHILL and although I dig the three songs, this guys aren't far away from being a total EHG rip-off. As their comrades of MUGWART, they've integrated more groove and melodies in opposite to the NOLA-masters, but the vocals, the riffs and the whole atmosphere are completely influenced by EHG. So, I really don't know what to think about it! Maybe I would love them, if there weren't.....! FISTULA are featured with only one long winding song, that's nearly about 15 minutes long. After it starts like a "real" song, the listener will be forced down to the ground by an endless monotonous heavy feedback drone and stomping battle drums before "Dysfunction" end into a sonic orgy. The last band is the bizarre US-outfit SLOTH, which are my faves on this compilation. SLOTH aren't trying to play in the Grief/EHG vein and it's not easy to pigeon-hole this curious sound.
Their short tracks are filled with distortion, and a very strange and creepy vibe that reminds me a bit to the better Black Metal hordes, especially the vocals would fit into this style. Somehow, SLOTH are sounding very experimental and they are my personal winners of this CD. And they've got a very special kind of humour! "Crushers Killers Destroyers" is essential for every die-hard collector of extreme music, and cover-layout is over the top. Check it out! But you can also continue with your life when you don't owe this one. You can order it from the website of Shifty Records, where you can find additional informations about this compilation.