COLOUR HAZE (Los Sounds De Krauts) 2LP/CD

Here we have the new exclusive strictly limited double vinyl set of COLOUR HAZE, which has been released in March 2003 on Nasoni Records and Stefan's label Elektrohasch. With this album, the Munich trio is very close to the golden years of heavy psych/prog rock between '67 and '74 and the album title describes this perfect. You must know, that 30 years ago here in Germany the term Krautrock was used for every German band, which sound heavy, psychedelic and/or progressive. And in this times, a word like progressive makes really a lot of sense. COLOUR HAZE aren't in a hurry, when they build up long-winding songs as the twenty minutes long "Overriding" with additional instruments as organ a long guitar jams or the dreamy "Weltraummantra". But apart of those tracks, COLOUR HAZE knows how to R-O-C-K!
Check out "Other Side" or thunderous heavy groovin' opener "I Won't Stop", which sounds a bit like a mixture between Hendrix and actual Clutch. The whole song-structures are floating free and sounding spontaneous and jam-like, but the band avoids boring jams. Stefan Koglek's vocals are varied and reminds the listener in some moments to Clutch's Neil Fallon, but mostly the songs are instrumental. Another thing I like about this album is the warm and thick sound, what gives a special dynamic and atmosphere. With "Los Sounds De Krauts", this band belongs to the current top 5 of German heavy psych bands and in opposite to other bands, COLOUR HAZE owns an own identity. I like to recommend this album to fans of 70's heavy-prog-psych, but it should be appealing for fans of Kyuss, Los Natas, Dinosaur Jr. amd QotSA, too. For actual informations, take a look the homepage of COLOUR HAZE and place your order at the Nasoni website or at Elektrohasch.