CLUTCH (Pure Rock Fury) CD

The album title describes the new CLUTCH album perfect. This is pure groove laden Heavyrock, played very furious and fronted by the amazing and unique vocals of Neil Fallon. A lot has changed since the very early-90's, where CLUTCH started with a musical-style, that was more in the vein of bands like Helmet . Over the last ten years this band turned more more into a 70's influenced Heavyrock direction,without losing the roots and with this album they have created thirteen new powerful unique tunes, all wrapped up in a fantastic organic sound production. But the 70's influence, doesn't make CLUTCH to a simple retro sounding Rock band or something like a "stoner" act. But what's the difference? It's clear to see. . . they are from Maryland !! No, I'm just kidding. . .It's not only this special kind of strange humour , which belongs to CLUTCH since their beginning. Aside of the vocals, it's this dynamic and energetic drive, you can hear on "Pure Rock Fury".
The band plays absolutely tight and especially drummer Jean-Paul Gaster performs some ass kicking grooves. It's funky, but not in a cheesy way and it's Southern Blues, but not in the traditional way. And it's real heavy !! As guest-musicians you can hear Scott Weinrich aka Wino, playing guitar on two tracks and Leslie West shows us in "Immortal", why he's still one of the heaviest singer and guitarist who's still around. I think, this tune is one of the heaviest on "Pure Rock Fury", and the vocals of Leslie West are still awesome after thirty years of Rock 'n' Roll. If I would try to describe every song of this album, it would be to boring for you and there are a so much good ideas in each tune, that I can't describe. But one thing is sure, if you dig this album you won't get it out of your player. . .This is a highly recommandable album from one of the most underrated Rock bands today, and if you have the chance to see this band live then don't miss them. One question at least: Is CLUTCH the hardcore version of GOV`T MULE?