CABLE (Never Trust A Gemini) CD

I've noticed in the web, that this US-band released 4 albums(?) in the past, but none of them reached this webzine in the past. Now they've signed with This Dark Reign / Devil Doll Records, and this is their newest album in 2003. The mysterious cover-artwork doesn't contain an informations about CABLE, and the music is hard to pigeonhole, too. It's no real surprise, that previous releases were on Hydrahead and Doghouse Records. Here is this mixture of a post-rock feeling like in the ten-minutes long "Battle Of The Asses", comparable to stuff like Tortoise or Mogwai, combined with a clever sense for different dynamics and a dose of Dischord-like a la Rites Of Spring ("Coming Up Spades (Pt. One)). The vocalist tears out all twisted and uncomfortable emotions and in a few of the songs, I wonder that the lungs of this man doesn't crack.
While the first part of the album is a desperate and psychotic Rock assault, CABLE are changing more into a southern rock direction after the third track, entitled "Gemini", that suddenly surprises with blues-drenched riffs, and ends into a country-like ending, without losing its sick vibe. Once again, the vocalist is letting out all his inner demons, and listen to the entire album is like a katharsis for me, too."Coming Up Spades (Pt. Two)" is another outstanding track here, where the vocals are changing more into a different color. I really would love to hear other stuff, they released in the past, just to get a deeper understanding of their sound. The album was produced by Today Is The Day mastermind Steve Austin, who actually seems to be pretty busy. CABLE are a nice alternative, and they are doing their pretty own thing, apart of the usual Sludge or Noise Rock crowd. Maybe you need more than four spins, to get into this dark and emotional album, but that's what it's worth.