BUFFALO (Temporada De Huracanes) CD

Outside, there's summer, it's hot as hell and I'm listening for the fifth time to the debut of Argentines own BUFFALO (don't be confused with the semi-legendary Australian heavy-weights Buffalo). The band was formed by Claudio "El Pastor" Rimec, who formerly played with (Los) Natas. In long time friend and drummer Alfredo Felitte (ex-Taura) and bassplayer Javier Libreiro (ex-Stonerwitch), he had found a tight and precise rythm-section and at the end of 2002, BUFFALO recorded their first album "Temporada De Huracanes", and it's the first release of the new Argentinean label Dias de Garage Records. This album is the perfect soundtrack for a brutal hot summer and in opposite to (Los) Natas, BUFFALO are playing hard-driven straight forward heavy 70's metal blues rock.
This isn't the kind of typical heavy fuzz rock, that numberous bands are playing today, which simply bores the shit out of me. What makes this band to something special is the amount of heavy ripping riffs, great and solid hooklines, different tempo-changes and the native vocals. This trio is really a powertrio in the truest meaning of the word, and they definitely R-O-C-K!!! Sometimes, they slow down and add a few psychedelic parts, but in opposite to (Los) Natas they are far away from the Kyuss and hard-prog road. The dry and pure production is perfect for their sound and the album, that contains 14 songs, comes up with a lot of additional bonus material, like two videos, one live video, interview sequences with "El Pastor" and much more, what simply makes "Temporade De Huracanes" more interesting for you, apart of the strong song material.