This is a newer band from the Netherlands, which boast ex-members of such bands as Union Town, and Dead Rivers just to name a few. Their debut album, which has been released in 2008 via Hypertension Records, is damn powerful monster. There are a lot of different influences that reach from Tragedy to Entombed to Celtic Frost, which pretty much means highly recommended in my book. Only the singer seems to exaggerate his brutal style sometimes, but gladly this doesn’t happen to often. He‘s also responsible for a slight black metal influence, while the music changes tempo quite a bit, moving from fast hard hitting crusty moments of metallic mayhem, then back to slower themes and melodic overtunes. This has a bit of almost everything for every taste. The more time you spend with ‘2000 Years‘ the more you hear come out of it – layered, complex, and complete, this album is very good!