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Hardly a month goes by in 2012 without a new release from a Tony D. Reed-related band. And if it's not one of his own bands, than its an album which...
SAINT VITUS were one of the true first sons of Black Sabbath, that I discovered in 1986. There was a fantastic record store named Garageland in the...
When this CD arrived in my mailbox, I was not sure if I was the right guy to review this. I am not the man who listens to MEAN and EXTREME Doom. Not...
About eight years ago, I received a killer demo from a Japanese sludge band named Psychotoblack. I was so enthusiastic that I did an interview with...
It gave me great pleasure when I found this 7" in my post box, because I'm a big fan of WHOOPING CRANE. I guess you're now wondering why I don't have...
STUBB’s debut album is also the first release of the young label Superhot Records. Recorded in 2010 and mixed in 2011 by Stone Axe’s own Tony...
Elektrohasch stands mostly for quality. While looking on the cover of 'AlphaOmegaAlpha' you see a beautiful made gatefold cover with massive content...
In late 2011 a sigh of relief escaped all those who had mourned the departure of Welsh stoner-doomsters Acrimony more than ten years ago, because 4/5...
The debut album of SUN GODS IN EXILE, 'Black Light, White Lines' was one of my personal musical highlights in 2009. This was particularly due to the...
Today there exist ca. 1.465.980 bands which resurrect the rock music of the 1970's. And it seems that this fashion trend will increase further within...