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PENTAGRAM (Sub-Basement) 2LP/CD

This band is one of the reason, why I've started the Cosmic Lava. And with "Sub-Basement" comes the next fresh injection for my doomed addiction. It isn't necessary to lose any words about the 30 years old band history, with all the line-up and band-name changes and the bad luck of PENTAGRAM, especially in the first eight years of their exsistence. For me it's still unbelievable, that this awesome band had never released an These are the co-founders of a genre that you can call heavy doom rock or whatever you like. Bobby Liebling is a living legend and together with Joe Hasselvander both have created an album, that stamps a lot of today's releases in the ground. It's still the substance.Heavy in mind, heart and soul!

It's obvious, "Sub-Basement" will soonly become a classic release. Why? Eleven dark atmospheric mind-blowing pearls, half of the tracks are older ones like on every PENTAGRAM album, with everything that is essential in Doom. It's doesn't make any sense to write about this or that song, but if you need examples just listen to the title track, "After the Last", "Drive Me to the Grave" or "Tidal Wive". Sometimes very slow and morbid or mournful with bitter sweet parts, high-quality chords or aggressive thunderous burner and on top again the charismatic and creepy vocals of Bobby Liebling. Joe Hasselvander is proving once again that he's not only an amazing drummer. He's also playing guitar for about 20 years and he shows his shining talent again.

In opposite to the former records Bobby and Joe have written a few songs with progressive elements ("Out Of Luck"). To make it simple and short, all arrangements are perfect and ass-kicking! "Sub-Basement" was recorded and produced by Chris Kozlowski, Bobby and Joe at Polar Bear Liar Studios . And his production fits totally to the songs. For my taste, the production of "Review Your Choices" has always sounded a little bit to "muddy", but now it sets standards. The result is overwhelming powerful out of it comes the heaviest record PENTAGRAM has ever been released, so far. So, let me say at least that this album is a total must-have for your collection and no disapointment for all long-time lovers of PENTAGRAM. It's intense as hell and you won't get it out of your player for a long, long, long time... Order it directly from Black Widow Records, Southern Lord or just go to your personal record dealer.


