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New book release from AIDAN BAKER!

AIDAN BAKER (NADJA etc.) comes up with a new book, and here's his announcement:

Hello all,

For any of you interested in wordsmithery: I have a new book entitled "PLACE NAME" out now with Wingate Press. This book is something of a poetic travelogue, a collection of poems/prose pieces documenting various travels and experiences across Canada, the US, and the UK. In the words of the publisher:


"PLACE NAME" presents a Canadian perspective on other places and other cultures. Vivid in its celebration of diversity, yet stark in its use of language...


The book is distributed across North America by the Literary Press Group and will be available online direct from the publisher, Amazon.com & myself. You can find links to excerpts from the book on the "Words" page of my site or on the publisher's site: http://www.wingatepress.com





